Senetta Bancroft
Associate Professor

Office: 301B Pulliam Hall
Phone: 618-453-6162
Fax: 618-453-4244
Research interests: Design and implementation of longitudinal, professional development programs to support STEM educators’ application of evidence-based pedagogical and mentorship practices that foster equitable K-16 STEM academic student outcomes. Design of original, ...read full profile >>
Pravas Deria
Associate Professor

Phone: 618-453-6459
Fax: 618-453-6408
Research Interest: We are interested in the physical properties of self-assembled porous compositions relevant to light-driven chemistry and energy conversion. Our research aims to unveil the unique physicochemical behavior of molecular assemblies that are unattainable in the solution dissolved ...read full profile >>
Zhihua Du
Associate Professor

Phone: 618-453-6423
Fax: 618-453-6408
Zhihua Du Group
We study the structures and functions of biomacromolecules, such as proteins and RNAs, that participate in vital biological processes including RNA interference (RNAi), telomere maintenance, and antiviral innate immunity in mammalian cells. We employ a range of tools, including X-ray crystallography, ...read full profile >>
Yong Gao

Phone: 618-453-4904
Fax: 618-453-6408
We design, synthesize and test novel carbon-based ionic materials for fuel cells, CO2 separation and other clean energy projects. Education B.Sc. Wuhan University, China, 1990Ph.D. University of Alberta, Canada, 1998 (Supervisor: Prof. John C. Vederas)Postdoc, Harvard Medical School, 1998-2000 ...read full profile >>
Qingfeng Ge
Professor, Distinguished Scholar and Director

Phone: 618-453-6406/6473
Fax: 618-453-6408
Understanding complex systems at the molecular level is important but difficult using experiments alone. Computer simulations based on fundamental physical and chemical principles can complement experiments and provide new insights into the behavior of these systems. My research program is centered on ...read full profile >>
Boyd Goodson
Professor, Distinguished Scholar and Associate Dean, College of Agricultural, Life and Physical Sciences
Current research interests of the Goodson Group: NMR and MRI enjoy wide applicability but suffer from poor detection sensitivity. For this reason, imaging and spectroscopy of low-concentration species—such as gases in lung spaces or metabolites in tissues—can ...read full profile >>
Gary Kinsel
Professor and Director of SIU Cannabis Science Center

Phone: 618-453-6482
Fax: 618-453-6408
Current research interests of the Kinsel Group include: The synthesis and optimization of Matrix-Assisted Laser/Desorption Ionization (MALDI) mass spectrometry based bioselective sensors for the discovery of novel cellular biomarkers. The investigation of laser initiated donor to biomolecule ...read full profile >>
Punit Kohli
Professor and Distinguished Scholar

Phone: 618-453-2895
Fax: 618-453-6408
Kohli Group Pages
We focus on the design, synthesis, characterization and applications of nanoscale materials functionalized with (bio)chemical molecules/polymers. We are particularly interested in the fabrication of biosensors based on fluorescence resonance energy transfer mechanism;self- and forced assembly of ...read full profile >>
Michael J. Lydy
Adjunct Professor, Distinguished Scholar and Distinguished Teacher

Office: 179 Life Science II
Phone: 618-453-4091
Reseach keywords: Toxicology and Analytical Chemistry The major research foci of the Lydy laboratory include evaluating the fate and effects of agrochemicals, studying the effects of multiple stressors on aquatic and terrestrial ecosystems, and developing a better understanding of ...read full profile >>
Matt McCarroll
Professor, Director of the Fermentation Science Institute

Phone: 618-453-6475
Fax: 618-453-6408
Research in the McCarroll Group involves the application of analytical chemistry to solve complex chemical problems with an emphasis in the area of molecular spectroscopy. Current investigations include systems involving molecular and chiral recognition. We also have an interest in the ...read full profile >>
Sean Moran
Associate Professor

Phone: 618-453-6545
Fax: 618-453-6408
Use of infrared (2D IR) spectroscopy, protein semisynthesis and site-specific labeling techniques to: 1. Examine the structures and physical properties of β-sheet rich biological materials and use this information in biomaterials design. 2. Investigate the functional roles of fast ...read full profile >>
Kyle Plunkett
Professor and Vice Chair

Office: 618-453-2758
Lab: 618-453-6486
Fax: 618-453-6408
👍🏽 Personal Group Website 👍🏽
Research in the Plunkett group utilizes self-assembly motifs and the tools of synthetic and physical chemistry to address problems at the interface of chemistry and materials science. Our target molecules are 1) functionalizable cyclopenta-fused polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (CP-PAHs) that can ...read full profile >>
Divya Prakash
Assistant Professor

Phone: 618-453-6481
Fax: 618-453-6408
email: divya.prakash@siu.edu
Homepage: Group Website
Area of interests My group employs an interdisciplinary approach to examine processes that have a significant impact on the global carbon cycle, alternative energy, and biomedicine. We use tools from chemistry, biochemistry, microbiology, molecular biology, transient state kinetics, spectroscopy, ...read full profile >>
Mohtashim Shamsi
Associate Professor

Phone: 618-453-6461
Fax: 618-453-6408
My research focus encompasses the interfaces between electroanalysis, sensing/biosensing and microfluidics. Education PDF, 2012-2015, Analytical/Bioanalytical Chemistry, University of Toronto PhD, 2008-2012, Analytical ...read full profile >>
Sheryl A. Tucker
Professor, Provost and Vice Chancellor for Academic Affairs
Research Emphasis Analytical; Molecular Spectroscopy; Chemical Analysis; Environmental; Organized Media Education BS, Chemistry, Kent State University, 1990 PhD, Chemistry, University of North Texas, 1994 Postdoctoral Research Fellow, Chemistry, Duke University, 1994-1996 Professional ...read full profile >>
Lichang Wang
Professor and Director of Graduate Study

Phone: 618-453-6476
Fax: 618-453-6408
Wang Group Pages
The Wang research group is currently focused on: Investigating electron excitation and transfer processes in organic small molecules for applications as solar cell materials, photodynamic therapy photosensitizers, fluorescence and luminescence sensors, and other optoelectronic ...read full profile >>