Michael J. Lydy | Chemistry and Biochemistry | SIU

Southern Illinois University



College of Agriculture, Life and Physical Sciences

Michael J. Lydy

Adjunct Professor, Distinguished Scholar and Distinguished Teacher

Michael J. Lydy

Office: 179 Life Science II
Phone: 618-453-4091

Aquatic Toxicology Laboratory

Reseach keywords: Toxicology and Analytical Chemistry 

The major research foci of the Lydy laboratory include evaluating the fate and effects of agrochemicals, studying the effects of multiple stressors on aquatic and terrestrial ecosystems, and developing a better understanding of the chemical and biological factors affecting toxicity, bioavailability and bioaccumulation.


BA, Wittenberg University
MS, Miami University, Miami OH
Ph.D., The Ohio State University      

Courses taught

Principles of Toxicology, Environmental Risk Assessment, Aquatic Toxicology, Analytical Techniques,  Introduction to GC-MS

Recent publications

(For an up to date publication list, please check Google Scholar

Fuller, N. K. Huff Hartz, N. Johanif, J.T. Magnuson, E.K. Robinson, C.A. Fulton, H.C. Poynton, R.E. Connon and M.J. Lydy. 2021. Enhanced trophic transfer of chlorpyrifos from resistant Hyalella azteca to inland silversides (Menidia beryllina) and effects on acetylcholinesterase activity and swimming performance at varying temperature. Environmental Pollution. 118217. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.envpol.2021.118217

Mundy, P.C., K.E. Huff Hartz, C.A. Fulton, M.J. Lydy, S.M. Brander, T-C Hung, N. Fangue and R.E. Connon. 2021. Exposure to permethrin or chlorpyrifos causes differential dose- and time-dependent behavioral effects at early larval stages of an endangered teleost species. Endangered Species Research. 44:89-103. https://doi.org/10.3354/esr01091

Magnuson, J.T., K. E. Huff Hartz, C.A. Fulton, M.J. Lydy and D. Schlenk. 2021. Transcriptomic and histopathological effects of bifenthrin to the brain of juvenile rainbow trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss). Toxics. Toxics. 9:48. https://doi.org/10.3390/toxics9030048

Derby, A.P., N.W. Fuller, K.E. Huff Hartz, R.E. Connon and M.J. Lydy. 2021. Tropic transfer, bioaccumulation and transcriptomic-effects of permethrin in inland silversides, Menidia beryllina, under future climate scenarios. Environmental Pollution. 275:116545. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.envpol.2021.116545

Fulton, C.A, K.E. Huff Hartz, N.W. Fuller, L.N. Kent, S.E. Anzalone, T.M. Miller, R.E. Connon, H.C. Poynton, and M.J. Lydy. 2021. Fitness costs of pesticide resistance in Hyalella azteca under future climate change scenarios. Science of the Total Environment. Volume 753: 141945. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.scitotenv.2020.141945

Fuller, N., J.T. Magnuson, K.E. Huff Hartz, C.A. Fulton, G.W. Whitledge, S. Acuna, D. Schlenk and M.J. Lydy. 2021. Effects of dietary cypermethrin exposure on swimming performance and expression of lipid homeostatic genes in livers of juvenile Chinook salmon, Oncorhynchus tshawytscha. Ecotoxicology. 30:257–267. https://doi.org/10.1007/s10646-021-02352-2

Huff Hartz, K.E., D.P. Weston, N. Johanif, H.C. Poynton, R.E. Connon and M.J. Lydy. 2021. Pyrethroid bioaccumulation in field-collected insecticide-resistant Hyalella azteca. Ecotoxicology. 30(3):514-523. https://doi.org/10.1007/s10646-021-02361-1

Fung, C.Y., K.Y Zhu, K. Major, H.C. Poynton, K.E. Huff Hartz, G. Wellborn and M.J. Lydy. 2021. The contribution of detoxification pathways to pyrethroid resistance in Hyalella azteca. Environmental Pollution. 284: 117158. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.envpol.2021.117158

Johanif, N. K.E. Huff Hartz, A.E. Figueroa, D.P. Weston, D. Lee, M.J. Lydy, R.E. Connon and H.C. Poynton. 2021. Bioaccumulation potential of chlorpyrifos in resistant Hyalella azteca: Implications for evolutionary toxicology. Environmental Pollution. 289:117900. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.envpol.2021.117900

Derby, A.P., K.E. Huff Hartz, N.W. Fuller, P.F. Landrum, J.D. Reeve, R.E. Connon and M.J. Lydy. Effects of global climate change on bioconcentration and toxicokinetics of permethrin in pyrethroid-resistant Hyalella azteca. Chemosphere. In press.

Fuller, N., S.E. Anzalone, K.E. Huff Hartz, G.W. Whitledge, S. Acuña, J.T. Magnuson, D. Schlenk and M.J. Lydy. 2022. Bioavailability of legacy and current-use pesticides in the Sacramento River watershed: Importance of sediment characteristics and extraction techniques. Chemosphere. 134174.

Kroner, D.G., P. Plunkett and M.J. Lydy. 2022. Taking the bite out of mosquito bites: The role of perceived risk. Journal of Environmental Health Research. 32:1: 18-28. https://doi.org/10.1080/09603123.2020.1721444

Anzalone S.E., Fuller, N.W., K.E. Huff Hartz, C.A. Fulton, G.W. Whitledge, J.T. Magnuson, D. Schlenk, S. Acuña and M.J. Lydy. 2022. Pesticide residues in juvenile Chinook salmon and prey items of the Sacramento River watershed, California – A comparison of riverine and floodplain habitats. Environmental Pollution. 119102.

Anzalone S.E., N. W. Fuller, K.E. Huff Hartz, G.W. Whitledge, J.T. Magnuson, D. Schlenk, S. Acuña, M.R. Whiles and M.J. Lydy. 2022. Trophic pathways of juvenile Chinook salmon, Oncorhynchus tshawytscha, rearing in riverine and floodplain habitats of the Sacramento-San Joaquin Delta: Evidence from stable isotope and fatty acid analyses. Submitted to Hydrobiologia.

Magnuson, J.T., N. W. Fuller, K.E. Huff Hartz, S.E. Anzalone, G.W. Whitledge, S. Acuña, M.J. Lydy and D. Schlenk. 2022. Dietary exposure to bifenthrin and fipronil impacts swimming performance in juvenile Chinook salmon (Oncorhynchus tshawytscha). In review Environmental Science and Technology.

Magnuson, J.T., L. Caceres, N. Sy, J. Chengyang, P. Tanabe, J. Gan, M.J. Lydy and D. Schlenk. The use of non-targeted lipidomics and histopathology to characterize the neurotoxicity of bifenthrin to juvenile rainbow trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss). Submitted to Aquatic Toxicology.