Senetta Bancroft | Chemistry and Biochemistry | SIU

Southern Illinois University



College of Agriculture, Life and Physical Sciences

Senetta Bancroft

Associate Professor

Senetta Bancroft

Office: 301B Pulliam Hall 
Phone: 618-453-6162
Fax: 618-453-4244

Research interests: Design and implementation of longitudinal, professional development programs to support STEM educators’ application of evidence-based pedagogical and mentorship practices that foster equitable K-16 STEM academic student outcomes. Design of original, standards-aligned, inquiry-based K-12 science instruction and assessment. Use and innovative critical theories to explain and displace longstanding disparities in achievement among various student communities in formal STEM learning settings. Innovations include the integration of critical race and LatCrit theories with other theoretical frameworks such as social constructivism, forms of capital, and fictive kinship.


B.S. Chemistry, University of Akron
IGERT Fellow in Chemistry Duke University
M.S. Secondary Education, Fort Hays State University
Ph.D. Curriculum and Instruction, University of Akron
Postdoctoral Research Fellow, Chemistry, Grand Valley State University

Teaching Experience

Taught Chemistry and Physics, Derby High School, Derby, Kansas and Queen's College Georgetown, Guyana
Assistant Professor, Curriculum and Instruction and Chemistry and Biochemistry, SIUC 


Recent publications can be explored on Google Scholar

Bancroft, S. F., Benson, S. K., & Johnson-Whitt, E. (2016). McNair Scholars’ science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM) graduate experience: A pilot study. Mid-Western Educational Researcher, 28(1), 3-27.

Herrington, D.G., Yerzierski, E., Bancroft, S.F. (2016). Tool trouble: Challenges with using self-report data to evaluate long-term chemistry teacher professional development. Journal of Research in Science Teaching. doi: 10.1002/tea.21323

Herrington, D.G., Bancroft, S.F., Edwards, M.M., Schairer, C.J. (2016). “I want to be the inquiry guy!” How research experiences for teachers change beliefs, attitudes, and values about teaching science as inquiry. Journal of Science Teacher Education,27(2), 183-204.   doi: 10.1007/s10972-016-9450-y

Bancroft, S. (2013). Capital, kinship, and white privilege: Social and cultural influences upon the minority doctoral experience in science. Multicultural Education, 20(2), p.10-16.